Why We Need God
When we first come into this world, we are extremely dependent on others. We need parents or other providers to feed and clean up after ourselves. Even as small children, we sense our need for parental care and protection. As we get older, it is common to believe that we no longer need anyone or anything. Starting in adolescence, where many think they no longer need their parents. Often continuing throughout adulthood, where many think they can take care of themselves.
Mankind is not as self-sufficient as many would like to believe. We are extremely dependent on many things despite our denials.
Assuming that one believes in God, let's begin with three simple yet significant reasons why we need God in our lives. Starting with the fact that HE IS OUR CREATOR. GOD IS THE CREATOR of the heavens and the earth, of mankind, both male and female. Even in the womb, God has a role in giving us life. He made us, not we ourselves. GOD AS OUR CREATOR knows us better than we know ourselves.
Even as the manufacturer knows his product better than anyone else, God knows our weaknesses and our strengths. He is the best source to find the answers to such questions as Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? How should I live?
We need God because as our Creator He is the only reliable "tech support" to help us make sense and use of our lives! Another reason we need God is because HE IS OUR REDEEMER. GOD IS THE REDEEMER. Unfortunately, all have made a mess of their lives. Some more than others, but all are in need of major correction. But God offers Himself as our Redeemer. GOD AS OUR REDEEMER makes it possible for us to start anew. This He did by sending His Son, Jesus. He offered His Son's blood to redeem from our sins. We need God because as our Redeemer we have the opportunity to be forgiven of sins and to start our lives anew! A third reason we need God is because HE IS OUR PROVIDER. GOD IS THE PROVIDER of physical life itself which sustains our physical life and our spiritual strength that we need. GOD AS OUR PROVIDER has promised to meet our physical needs. If we will put Him and His righteousness first in our lives, he has promised to meet our spiritual need if we will put on His armor.
More things could be said to illustrate our need for God, but for now let these suffice. God is our Creator, God is our Redeemer. God is our Provider. Those who reject any need for God go through life with no true knowledge of self or purpose in life have no way to atone for or to truly correct the many mistakes they make, have their lives devoid of the fullness of God's providential care. How much better to confess our need for God, and look to Him for wisdom and guidance in making the best of our time here on earth, for forgiveness and renewal when we mess up our lives through sin, for providential care and spiritual strength to live the truly "abundant life". Yes, dear friends and brethren that is why we need God!
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