Monday, November 17, 2008

A Christian Teacher Paraphrase of I - Conrinthians 13

A Christian Teacher Paraphrase of I-Corinthians 13

By Grace Robbins

If I teach with the skill of the finest teacher
And if I am dedicated to the education of the young
But fail to love my students,
I became only a clever speaker
And a charming entertainer.
If I use various teaching techniques and methods
And if I am well-trained so that
I feel like a good teacher
But fail to love my students
Just as they are, my efforts are not enough.
If I spend many long hours preparing
lessons and if I plan interesting
activities for my classes
and then fail to allow God’s love to
flow through me,
My personal efforts are still not enough.
The love of a teacher to his students
is a very special kind of love
It is patient even when they are doing
their best to create problems.
It shows kindness in a way
that makes a new student
feel welcome in a new school
It is not selfish, though it may
when a teacher requires certain
things in the class
It is not easily discouraged
Even though some days seem to
be full of problem
It is not amazed when
A student comes to discuss
a confidential situation
that is too personal to share
with just anyone who might happen
to be around.
This kind of love doesn’t boast about
the accomplishments
But it is a living example of what Jesus
could have each of us to be, daily.
This special kind of love never fails.
Books and study guides will become obsolete
Teaching techniques and methods will be outmoded
Classroom schedules and school policies
will be abandoned
Because these things have been established
by man rather than by God
However when the teacher shares
God’s love with the students
the influence will live forever and ever
Because God is love
When I was a student
I was immature
And behave like a child!
I was a child!
But now I am an adult
And God has spoken to me
about helping the children
discover His wonderful love.
I have faith, and I have hope,
And I have love
These three are God’s great gifts of me..
And the greatest of these is love.
A Christian Teacher Paraphrase of I-Corinthians 13

By Grace Robbins

If I teach with the skill of the finest teacher
And if I am dedicated to the education of the young
But fail to love my students,
I became only a clever speaker
And a charming entertainer.
If I use various teaching techniques and methods
And if I am well-trained so that
I feel like a good teacher
But fail to love my students
Just as they are, my efforts are not enough.
If I spend many long hours preparing
lessons and if I plan interesting
activities for my classes
and then fail to allow God’s love to
flow through me,
My personal efforts are still not enough.
The love of a teacher to his students
is a very special kind of love
It is patient even when they are doing
their best to create problems.
It shows kindness in a way
that makes a new student
feel welcome in a new school
It is not selfish, though it may
when a teacher requires certain
things in the class
It is not easily discouraged
Even though some days seem to
be full of problem
It is not amazed when
A student comes to discuss
a confidential situation
that is too personal to share
with just anyone who might happen
to be around.
This kind of love doesn’t boast about
the accomplishments
But it is a living example of what Jesus
could have each of us to be, daily.
This special kind of love never fails.
Books and study guides will become obsolete
Teaching techniques and methods will be outmoded
Classroom schedules and school policies
will be abandoned
Because these things have been established
by man rather than by God
However when the teacher shares
God’s love with the students
the influence will live forever and ever
Because God is love
When I was a student
I was immature
And behave like a child!
I was a child!
But now I am an adult
And God has spoken to me
about helping the children
discover His wonderful love.
I have faith, and I have hope,
And I have love
These three are God’s great gifts of me..
And the greatest of these is love.