Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What's Up this Summer

I know I can do a lot of worthwhile things this summer vacation. I want my vacation to be more exciting and more fun. My old friends and classmates in the graduate school and I met up in SSPSC Tandag City this week. In SSPSC I updated all my subjects for my comprehensive exam scheduled this May. Good luck to all of us! Especially to me!
I don't know if we could go for a trip in Davao and Cebu as planned. My teacher friend who planned out our trip has a big problem.
My mind is set to a more educational vacation. In fact I am planning to enrol in a short term course and tutorial on English grammar and speech improvement in SSPSC, Tandag City.
Like what I promised, here is the list of things I want to do this whole summer season.
1. I want to learn new cooking recipes.
2. I want to go beaching with friends and family.
3. I want to continue my graduate school course which is Master of Science in Science Education ( MS Scie. Educ.).
4. I want to write short stories again.
5. I want to travel to Butuan, Davao and Cebu to experience new things. I learn a lot of things when I travel.
6. I want to spend more time in reading and writing. I also want to improve my communication skills. (Note: to learn online here's the link
7. I want to go to church regularly. I just attended the Memorial of Jesus Christ death anniversary last week.
8.I want to compile all my song compositions and poems.
9. I want to engage in a regular work out to improve my physical well-being.
10. I want to write the third sequel of "Reflection of My Life"
11. I want to renew the registration of my motor bike. You know I can't live without my Honda XRM!
12. I want to shock my friends with a new hairdo. (Note: It is done! I went to the barber shop last Sunday and shaved off my head.. I mean my hair. And voila! I always look and feel good in it.)


  1. Hahaha!!! I like the do, the hairdo! Ur disposition in life is amiable! Likey! God loves YOU!

  2. Thanks for your reaction. I've been thinking to write an article about my new hairdo.hehehe. I wish I could have all the time in the world to do it. Abangan!
