Monday, April 27, 2009

When I lost my cellphone I thought I lost everything

It is my constant companion, a loyal friend and entertainer. When I am alone, it dispels my boredome and loneliness. That is my Nokia 6085 to me. That gadget connects me to all my friends both real and virtual. And to lost it in one moment I could have died in an instant. What else could have happened if I lost it forever?

So bad it happned the night my friends and I enjoyed the party at Caraga Square in Butuan City. They helped me find it but to no avail. I felt some part of my being was paralyzed, my heart seemed to stop beating! I wish I could shout out loud enough! The next day I worried more. I almost had shaken my head so it could trace back the happenings that night. I simply couldn't recall. Was it stolen from me? Perhaps. But the greater possibility is I misplaced it from my pocket, I wasn't paying attention to it because its battery was low.

The other problem now is I don't have any back up copy of the important contacts, photos, memos and music of it.

Within two days my life went on but the passing of the days was really silent. I was completely disconnected from my cyber textmates, friends and relatives. I could have completely enjoyed my vacation in Butuan had I not lost it.

When I opened my wallet, I realized how unfortunate I seemed to be last week. My P5ooo cash was also gone! What a waste! I could buy a lot of things from that amount. Well, on the second thought, to God I am very thankful. Why? I still have my wallet, my ATM card, PRC teacher's license and other important documents in my wallet more important than my cellphone. I'm even more thankful because I am still alive, nothing really serious things happened like accident or crime that night.
When I lost my cellphone, I thought I lost everything. But I was wrong. I didn't lose that much. I still have my life, in full blood and flesh. There are still many cellphones on display. I can always buy if I like and if I have enough money. The lesson is I have to be more extra careful next time.
The good news now is this. My student from a former school where I worked just arrived from Manila. When he knew I lost my cellphone he gave me his other cellphone which is Samsung e250. I'm so thankful of his kindness and generosity. Now I'm beginning to collect and compile phone numbers again. I lost some, then I gained some. My cellphone story doesn't end up sad at all.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

PBB and PDA Audition

I'm in Butuan now. Yesterday, after I claimed my PRC teacher's license I went straight to Father Saturnino Urios University (FSUU) at around 9 am to witness the audition on Pinoy Big Brother (PBB) and Pinoy Dream Academy (PDA). This was an event I had been wishing to witness. I befriended some hopefuls who line up under the scorching sun just to get a sticker number as get pass to the audition hall. Out of curiosity, I decided to join the thousands of people who lined up. Well, this is something exciting, I thought.

Well, I got the stricker number and ushered inside. Oh my! It was really hot inside. People were so patient to be called. Only 3 persons would be picked to join the PBB in Butuan. I joined the group. I was really hungry because I had not taken my meal. The time was 5 pm. As we entered inside I memorized my lines for possible personal interview. I was disgusted. We're only asked to describe our family then no more...that was the end. I knew couldn't make it. Well, I was not even really serious of joining it. Sour graping?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Inventory of Attitudes

Self-knowledge is very important to me. Today I am making an inventory of my attitudes on the list of statements below. I indicated how I feel about each statement by indicating my degree of agreement or disagreement with each statement.

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Not sure

Financial security is very important to me.

I'd say I'm rebelling against the way I was brought up.
Strongly agree

I believe that "industrial growth" should be limited.

Generally speaking, most people are trustworthy and honest.

Everything is changing too fast today.
Strongly agree

In general, it's more important to understand my inner self than to be famous, powerful, or wealthy.
Strongly agree

My greatest achievements are ahead of me.

I believe a woman can work outside the home even if she has small children and still be a good mother.
Strongly agree

I certainly am more conventional than experimental.

I like to try new and different things.
Strongly agree

It's very important to me to feel I am a part of a group.

Overall, I'd say I'm very happy.

TV is my main form of entertainment.
Strongly agree

I'm a "spender" rather than a "saver."
Strongly agree

I would rather spend a quiet evening at home than go out to a party.

My family is the single most important thing to me.

I think I have more self-confidence than most people.

I like to think I'm a bit of a swinger.

A woman's life is fulfilled only if she can provide a happy home for her family.

My social status is an important part of my life.
Strongly agree

I act on my hunches.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What's Up this Summer

I know I can do a lot of worthwhile things this summer vacation. I want my vacation to be more exciting and more fun. My old friends and classmates in the graduate school and I met up in SSPSC Tandag City this week. In SSPSC I updated all my subjects for my comprehensive exam scheduled this May. Good luck to all of us! Especially to me!
I don't know if we could go for a trip in Davao and Cebu as planned. My teacher friend who planned out our trip has a big problem.
My mind is set to a more educational vacation. In fact I am planning to enrol in a short term course and tutorial on English grammar and speech improvement in SSPSC, Tandag City.
Like what I promised, here is the list of things I want to do this whole summer season.
1. I want to learn new cooking recipes.
2. I want to go beaching with friends and family.
3. I want to continue my graduate school course which is Master of Science in Science Education ( MS Scie. Educ.).
4. I want to write short stories again.
5. I want to travel to Butuan, Davao and Cebu to experience new things. I learn a lot of things when I travel.
6. I want to spend more time in reading and writing. I also want to improve my communication skills. (Note: to learn online here's the link
7. I want to go to church regularly. I just attended the Memorial of Jesus Christ death anniversary last week.
8.I want to compile all my song compositions and poems.
9. I want to engage in a regular work out to improve my physical well-being.
10. I want to write the third sequel of "Reflection of My Life"
11. I want to renew the registration of my motor bike. You know I can't live without my Honda XRM!
12. I want to shock my friends with a new hairdo. (Note: It is done! I went to the barber shop last Sunday and shaved off my head.. I mean my hair. And voila! I always look and feel good in it.)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Who Am I

I am very thankful God has not forsaken me. Last Thursday I attended the Memorial Celebration of Jesus Christ death anniversary in our church. God is always good. He "cares to know my name; he cares to feel my hurt." God is still true to his promise of a new Paradise in a new Earth. I am now reflecting on an inspiring song "Who Am I" by Casting Crowns. Hope you would like it as much as I did.

Who Am I - Casting Crowns

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You’ve done
Not because of what I’ve done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I’m calling
Lord, You catch me when I’m falling
And You’ve told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
Not because of who I am
But because of what You’ve done

Not because of what I’ve done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I’m calling
Lord, You catch me when I’m falling
And You’ve told me who I am
I am Yours

Not because of who I am
But because of what You’ve done
Not because of what I’ve done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I’m calling
Lord, You catch me when I’m falling
And You’ve told me who I am

I am Yours
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
‘Cause I am Yours
I am Yours.

Who Am I - Casting Crowns Music Code

Spending Summer Vacation

Teachers are given privileges to enjoy a two-month vacation. What a relief from our physically and emotionally demanding job! How about you? Whether you're working the 9 to 5 grind or self-employed, you need to take time away from work--extended time, like a good 10 days or more at least once each year, more often if you can. That means taking the time to renew and restore your overall well-being. Sometimes I stay right at home, but I set boundaries around my time and energy by screening my phone calls, spending very limited time on the computer, and not accepting any requests that don't support my overall well-being. This time is spent slowing down mentally and physically and doing things that make me happy and feel relaxed.

Even though I am at home, I let my family and friends know up front that I will not be available during this time. I highly recommend not taking your laptop on vacation and keeping your cell phone off as much as possible. If you must check for messages, check your caller id directory list at night, as this will minimize your impulse to return calls. I plan a retreat once a year; one that will revitalize and seek renewal of the mind, body and spirit. For example, I plan to go to a spa or get a massage. I plan to hike a mountain every morning. I practice meditation, met and connect with new people, attend nutrition and cooking classes, and end each day with a relaxing spa treatment. This type of vacation creates lasting results to your overall well-being. I also take at least one long weekend (Thursday or Friday thru Sunday) every quarter to create enriching experiences. Are you ready for a great summer vacation? I know you are as excited as I am. But remeber make a list of things you want to do to get started. It's a must not to spend more money than you budget. (Later I'll post here my list of things I want to do this whole summer vacation).

Taking a vacation can be as easy as sitting in the hammock in the back yard. But if you're going to be making your way to a summer resort, make sure you have all the funds you need to do what you want so you won't be stressed financially. Wherever you are, make sure you laugh each day. Laughter truly is one of the best medicines for lightening up our lives and helping us to feel a sense of joy every day. Do something you've never done before. A change is as good as a rest they say, and there's nothing more exhilarating than trying out an activity you've never pursued--especially while on vacation.

Whether it's scuba diving, trying a new food or learning a new board game, let your imagination run with ideas about how to spend some of those lazy summer days. Stay true to your health. Whether you're on vacation or at home or work, it's important to keep your health regime going on a consistent basis. Go ahead and indulge while you're on vacation, but do keep at least the basics of your daily health routine in place so your body and mind aren't confused or overwhelmed by a sudden change.

Remember that your quality of life is important, so keeping your routine going whether day-to-day or on vacation will serve you well in the long run. Give yourself 2 or 3 days after you come back from vacation before returning to work if you can. Going from major relaxation back to a hectic pace overnight can rev your body and mind up too soon. Having a day or two to unwind after your vacation helps the transition.

Monday, April 6, 2009


What is graduation? Graduation is the action of receiving or conferring an academic degree or the ceremony that is sometimes associated, where students become Graudates. Before the graduation, candidates are referred to as Graduands. The date of graduation is often called degree day. The graduation itself is also called commencement, convocation or invocation.
When ceremonies are associated, they usually include a procession of the academic staff and candidates. Beginning at the secondary school level in the Philippines, the candidates will almost always wear Toga, and increasingly faculty will do the same. At the college and university level, the faculty will usually wear academic dress at the formal ceremonies, as will the trustees and degree candidates. "Graduation" at the college and university level occurs when the presiding officer confers degrees upon candidates, either individually or en masse, even if graduates physically receive their diploma later at a smaller college or departmental ceremony.
I salute to the Filipino graduates! Be the change you want to see the world. I will write more about this article later. For now I have to enjoy my summer vacation.